
Thursday, September 26, 2019

Term 3 Reflection

This is my reflection on Term 3. How has Term 3 been for you?

barking mad book Review

Hi, this week in Literacy we have been doing a book review on Barking Mad.
We did the book review because we had finished reading the book Barking Mad. Have you done a
book review before? What is your favorite book you have ever read?

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

mind swapping machine

This week in literacy we have designed mind swapping machines. We have been reading the book Barking mad and it has a mind swapping machine the story, so we thought we'd design our own. Have you designed one before? If so, what did it look like?

Wednesday, September 4, 2019


hi it is Kayla in maths we have been learning about reflections this is my one. in it, we had to put a word shape and our favourite image off google if you did this what image would you pick and what would be your favourite colour?

Monday, September 2, 2019

rotating my name

 in maths, we have been learning about rotations and we had to rotate our names this is mine here the image above my name is my favourite color. if you have Feed-back please comment :D